Monday, May 21, 2007

Pet Word

Sometimes we hear such things on which we don’t concentrate at that time. But after some time when those words strike on our mind, we can’t stop ourselves laughing. The same is the case with the word which some people are used to speak in each sentence i.e. pet word. When we regularly listen to them, we become used to and don’t understand what a blunder they have created in the meaning.
It happened with me some time ago when I met a doctor who used to speak ‘only’. This word was his pet word in response to whatever one say to him. Let’s have a look on some of his conversations with his colleagues and patients.
“I have four cars.”
“I am working here at the same post since 25 years.”
“I am 98 year old.”
“This patient has a large tumor in the brain which is going to kill him within a month.”
After some time spending with him I could understand that he was confused between the use of ‘really’ and ‘only’. Whatever the case but his ‘only’ was very humorous for all of us. I think if one would say, “I have 4 wives and uncountable girl friends.” He would surely say, “Only?”

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