Saturday, March 31, 2007

My Beloved Staff

Hi, again.

Truly speaking, the enthralling experience in the DGH has changed my personality completely. But that change is unimportant as compared to more important things taking place here daily, so we can postpone discussing those changes and right now we should talk about more important things. In previous two posts I have discussed a few things about the MI (also k/a patient); today I want to discuss something about the hospital staff.
Infact I love my DGH’s staff as they are very humble and polite. When you go to the administrative section of the Hospital for something they will give you full chance for aerobics, because you have to run here and there to find the desired clerk. Then he will help you from the depth of his heart, but firstly you will have to sign on the form regarding his sick leave. HERE YOU CAN NOT NEGOTIATE. When you are ready to give sick leave to him, he will tell you that the person you want is in room no. 3 or 4. So you can see how much health conscious they are, they want you to do both physical and mental exercises. (Mental exercise is in thinking few good words about them).
Sometimes someone of my beloved staff comes in my OPD and without waiting for his turn, orders for examination of himself or his relative. Yes here also the same questionnaire is provided and the last question is of course about sick leave. They are really very nice people as they want you to learn more and to do some mental exercises regularly because if you do not do that yours and his mental level will be the same.
As far as sick leave is concerned you should give it very intelligently. And I think no one on this earth is intelligent enough because if you give sick leave you will be investigated by the local authorities and if you refuse to give, you will be investigated by both local authorities and health ministry.
Please try to understand, they want to do something besides drinking tea in their rooms and discussing current affairs and for that, investigation is a good time pass. Isn’t it?
Bye till tomorrow

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